In magic, a spell is a sentence that you speak.

Letters we spell form words and then words form sentences. Common knowledge, these common knowledge sentences, can become death sentences thatyou create with your mind and then speak into life.

When you speak, all sentences that you speak with emotion transform into reality, magically. These sentences become your future. Your life, the now the
reality you currently live, positive or negative you and or your family created it with you. Magic does not choose the side of good or evil, right or wrong, it
just forms and creates as you command. We still do not know how it works; we just know it is like that, the law of sow and reaps. We know how to use it and
repeat the process to make the changes we want.

Freewill is that you are in control of what you can and want to create.

AM I, the I AM…?

We all have GOD within us, so we are co-creators of our own lives. You are in control of what and how you want to form your future. You create your
reality, you may not believe it, it is still what it is, the truth. Because you ignore the truth, this does not mean it will change.

You create what you believe to be true, good or bad, positive or negative and when you speak it with emotion, it comes to life. Daily you create
and attract your reality. Life is a dream in a sea of your imagination. Whatever you think is possible…is possible, it is in your reality. You can make
it happen. What you think and feel you create.

Be aware of your thoughts and words, they will be your future. Renew your thoughts daily and make sure that they are helping and building your future.


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